2025 AGIC Symposium Dates Announced

The 2025 AGIC Education and Training Symposium is scheduled for August 26-29 and will be held at the Prescott Resort in Prescott, AZ.  Follow us on the AGIC-L Listserv or on social media to hear further announcements, including call for papers, registration details, and more!


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ADEQ Receives an Esri SAG Award

This week, the Arizona Department of Environmental Quality (ADEQ) received an Esri Special Achievement in GIS (SAG) award for their Arizona Water Watch application.  Arizona Water Watch enables the general public to report on stream health, location, and flow, which has allowed ADEQ field inspectors to reduce the time required to prepare, inspect, and produce reports.

Congratulations to everyone who worked on the project, including Debra Crouse (ADEQ and AGIC Council Member), Cory Whittaker (Esri), Aiko Condon (ADEQ), Justyn Beach (ADEQ), Katherine Phillips (ADEQ), and Meghan Smart (ADEQ).

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