2025 AGIC Symposium Dates Announced

The 2025 AGIC Education and Training Symposium is scheduled for August 26-29 and will be held at the Prescott Resort in Prescott, AZ.  Follow us on the AGIC-L Listserv or on social media to hear further announcements, including call for papers, registration details, and more!


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Coordination Amongst AGIC Partners to Help With COVID-19 Data Collection

Tracking and visualizing data is an important tool for people in leadership positions to see and understand where the COVID-19 crisis is impacting the state the most.  This information can help leaders better determine what next steps to take and where to concentrate valuable resources.

In response to the COVID-19 crisis, a number of our AGIC partners have been coordinating and supporting DEMA's data collection and tracking efforts.  Mark Flahan with ADOT, Jason Howard with MAG, Shea Lemar's team at ASU, and the GIS team at ADHS have all been directly involved with supporting data requests from DEMA and the Governor's office.  Assistance from ASLD and Howard Ward with TerraSystems Southwest have also been requested and other AGIC members, including Glen Buettner, have directly reached out asking where they can help.  

These efforts are another demonstration of the strong GIS community Arizona has.  If you have a project and are looking for support, we encourage you to use AGIC as a resource to help connect you with others who may be able to assist you.  For example, sending questions or requests to the AGIC Listserv will forward your message to hundreds of GIS professionals across the state.

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