The 2025 AGIC ArcGIS Online Student Competition is now open. Visit the competition webpage for more details, including deadlines, rules & guidelines, and the adult sponsor compeitition registration form. This year, adults may sponsor one or more students in grades Kindergarten through 12th grade. Prizes include a chance to win a $100 gift card. Adult sponsors must register their student(s) by April 18, 2025 and submit their student's entries no later than May 5, 2025.
A report released last month by the National States Geographic Information Council (NSGIC) showed that states are not fully prepared to adopt critical emerging technologies like next-generation 911 and geo-enabled election systems. In its biennial Geospatial Maturity Assessment, the report found that while no state is failing when it comes to GIS, the progress is spotty and there is an urgent need for all states to improve.