2025 AGIC Symposium Dates Announced

The 2025 AGIC Education and Training Symposium is scheduled for August 26-29 and will be held at the Prescott Resort in Prescott, AZ.  Follow us on the AGIC-L Listserv or on social media to hear further announcements, including call for papers, registration details, and more!


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AGIC Listserv Code of Conduct

This section is an exerpt from Section 2 of the AGIC Member's Manual, available for download on the AGIC Publications Website.  The manual is authoritative so if there are differences between what is stated in the manual and what is on this website, the manual takes presedence.  


Online Code of Conduct

The following code of conduct applies to all those participating in AGIC forums, social media accounts, or the AGIC-L listserv (henceforth referred to as Online Forums).

  1. Using online forums for commercial purposes or personal business (e.g., buying, selling items, advertisement) or private gain is prohibited.
  2. Using online forums for election activity, support, or endorsement is prohibited with the exception of sanctioned AGIC announcements.
  3. Posting any information or other material protected by copyright without the permission of the copyright owner is prohibited.
    1. By posting material, the posting party warrants and represents that he or she owns the copyright with respect to such material or has received permission from the copyright owner. If this is not the case, contact the SCO so they can remove the materials or from any social media or forum accounts or send a response through AGIC-L.
    2. By posting materials, the posting party grants AGIC and users of the forums the nonexclusive right and license to display, copy, publish, distribute, transmit, print, and use such information or other material.
  4. When posting to online forums, be respectful, professional, and courteous. Defamatory, abusive, discriminatory, harassing, intimidating, profane or offensive language is prohibited.
  5. The use of online forums in connection with contests, chain letters, junk e-mail, or “spam” is prohibited.
  6. The use of online forums to falsely impersonate an individual, group, organization, or entity is prohibited.
  7. Users of online forums must determine whether it is necessary to post an answer to an entire list; if a user is unsure, a private e-mail should be sent to the person to whom the user is responding.
  8. E-mails from one individual to another shall only be shared with members of the list if there is prior written permission from the author of the e-mail.
  9. AGIC members and affiliates are encouraged to represent AGIC in online forums.  However, they are not permitted to commit the Council, a Committee, or a Workgroup to any decisions or actions without getting approval from the Council or group first.


Online Forum Disclaimer

The AGIC online forums, including any AGIC-affiliated web forums, social media accounts, and the AGIC-L listserv, are available as a service to our members and affiliates.  AGIC is not responsible for the opinions and information posted on the forums by others. We disclaim all warranties with regard to information posted on the forums, whether posted by an AGIC member, affiliate, or any third party; this disclaimer includes all implied warranties of merchantability and fitness. In no event shall AGIC be liable for any special, indirect, or consequential damages or any damages whatsoever resulting from loss of use, data, or profits, arising out of or in connection with the use or performance of any information posted on the forums.

AGIC does not actively monitor the online forums for inappropriate postings and does not on its own undertake editorial control of postings. However, in the event that any inappropriate posting is brought to the attention of AGIC or the SCO, we will take all appropriate action.

AGIC and the SCO reserve the right to terminate access or block any user who does not abide by the Online Code of Conduct. The AGIC Administration & Legal Committee recommends a minimum restriction of 6 months up to permanent removal depending on the nature and number of offenses, to be decided by the AGIC Officers.

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