Save the Date!

The 2024 AGIC Education and Training Symposium will be held in Prescott, Arizona at the Prescott Resort and Conference Center on August 27 - August 30, 2024.  Registration is now open, with early bird registration rates available until July 26th.  Visit the symposium website for registration details and other information.


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GIS and Rewilding Efforts

Restoring ecosystems to a level where these ecosystems are self-sustaining is a major goal of rewilding efforts. Furthermore, rewilding is seen as a key aspect of balancing natural threats, particularly from human encroachment, while helping to restore global health, helping to mitigate climate change and potentially other long-term threats.  While rewilding is largely seen as needed, the questions that arise is what type of rewilding is needed, that is which animal and plant species, and where should efforts focus? Increasingly, research is providing answers to these questions, where GIS is increasingly part of efforts to help rewild different regions.

Arizona Geographic Information Council © 2012. All rights reserved.