The 2025 AGIC Education and Training Symposium is scheduled for August 26-29 and will be held at the Prescott Resort in Prescott, AZ. Follow us on the AGIC-L Listserv or on social media to hear further announcements, including call for papers, registration details, and more!
A number of awards were given out at this year’s AGIC Education and Training Symposium. This year included two new AGIC awards in Outstanding Service and Lifetime Achievement. In addition, there were multiple awards given during the Maps & Apps Challenge, where GIS professionals and students were able to display their cartographic and analytic expertise. Scroll down to learn more about this year’s award winners and join us in congratulating them on their accomplishments!
Sage is heavily involved in AGIC. She participates in the Data, Conference, and Outreach Committees as well as the AGIC Website Management Workgroup. She has been extremely helpful on the website workgroup in keeping the website current and has helped streamline the process for coordinating the posting of news articles. Sage is always quick to volunteer, has innovative geospatial solutions for outreach, and is dedicated to bringing the Arizona Geospatial community together. She has been instrumental in making sure AGIC volunteers are recognized for their contributions and providing support to the State Cartographer’s Office. She is well deserving of this honor and recognition.
Dawn was the only teacher in Arizona to have students participate in the ArcGIS Online Student Competition in both 2019 and 2020. She is an instructor of World Geography and Honors World Geography at Corona Del Sol High School in Tempe, AZ. Dawn has not been formally trained in GIS but has embraced the technology and learned along with her students how to leverage the tools and resources of ArcGIS Online. She supported the use of geospatial technologies by encouraging her students to learn GIS and apply it to study their communities as well as helped her students create both informative and beautiful storymaps. As part of the school competition, Dawn organized a schoolwide competition where students and teachers voted on the state competition entries (there could only be 5 submissions). She has made a significant contribution to Arizona's geospatial community by encouraging her students to learn and apply the technology, inspiring a new generation of GIS professionals. She helped advance a geospatial solution by using storymaps and other ArcGIS Online technology in her classroom. Her work benefits more than just her school. These storymaps applied to communities outside of the high school. For example, one of the award-winning storymaps focused on the spread of COVID-19 within the Navajo Nation and explained why the spread was so fast in the initial months of the disease. Dawn is more than deserving of recognition from the wider Arizona GIS community for her contributions.
Brian volunteers his time and wealth of knowledge not only to AGIC and the AZ community through his position as an AGIC committee chair, but also to the Nation as a whole through his contribution to various NENA working groups as well as other GIS committees. Brian is a role model for all people who meet him, and I have never seen someone who works as hard as he does. Brian has worked for more than one county/state agency in AZ. Brian has 13 children, and somehow he is still able to:
Manage all the day to day operations of a county GIS Department, Be the co-chair of a state level working committee working to better GIS in the state Volunteer and contribute to multiple NENA working groups contributing to GIS Standards for NG911 nationwide Volunteer his time to assist other GIS personnel from numerous agencies across the state Mentor everyone around him Present every year at AGIC talking about his work with various Government organizations within AZ promoting the growth and expansion of innovative geospatial solutions
Gene Trobia led the development of GIS at the state level in Arizona. He was the first State Cartographer for Arizona, was a leader for AGIC from its inception, and has mentored an enormous number of geospatial professionals throughout the state of Arizona. Gene was the first State Cartographer and served from 1996-2014. In that role he:
Since Gene retired as State Cartographer he has continued to be incredibly active in serving the Arizona GIS Community. He has continued as an AGIC Board Member and participates in a number of committees. (I can get a list of specific ones in the future.) He also continues to participate in NSGIC to affect changes at the national level. He has taught GIS classes for the University of Arizona and Arizona State University and helped develop internship opportunities for college students throughout Arizona. And he literally wrote the History of GIS in Arizona. I cannot think of anyone more deserving of the first ever AGIC Lifetime Achievement Award.
I am nominating Seth Franzman for the AGIC Lifetime Achievement Award because I don’t know of anyone who is more dedicated to making the world a better place, and he brings that passion to AGIC as well as the other parts of his life. I don’t know exact info about his past, because I can’t find some of the documents that used to be on the AGIC website. I am happy to ask him if there is even a shot at him getting an award, but I would rather not bring it up if there is no chance of it happening. Here is what I do know. I know that he has been active in AGIC since the 80’s. He was a board member for many years and is a past president. I know that he co-chaired the Conference committee with me for a bit and I know that he handled budgets for the conference for many, many years. I know that he advocates ceaselessly to bring the highest level educational opportunities to the citizens of Arizona at the lowest cost. I know that he is still active on the Conference Committee (and maybe the Outreach Committee) even though he retired 20 years ago. I know that he is active in his volunteer work. I know that he will take time to personally seek out and thank people for all of the hard work they do whether it is teaching students or putting on the AGIC conference, and he will tell as many people as he can about other people’s achievements. And I know that Seth Franzman has never met another person who he doesn’t see good in. Here is a short list of official facts I could find out about him:
AGIC Lifetime Achievement Award: this award is presented to an individual that has given a ‘lifetime’ (typically greater than 10 years) of notable service to AGIC. This award is given to an individual who has served one or more leadership positions over an extended period of time (e.g. AGIC Board Member, officer, treasurer, secretary, committee chair, or workgroup chair). This award is usually given at the conclusion of the recipient’s career or at a major transition point in their career. The recipient’s service must exceed the normal expectation of duty.
AGIC is pleased to present Glen Buettner with the AGIC Lifetime Service Award. Glen has been a part of the AGIC Community for most of his professional career. He started out as an AGIC intern for Gene and the state Cartographer’s Office. He continued his service with the AZ Department of Forestry and Fire and finished out at the Department of Water Resources.
He has served on the AGIC Board for many years, leading AGIC Workgroups and initiatives. He has championed GIS solutions and advocated collaboration across organizations. His contributions to AGIC and AZ Geospatial Community have had a lasting impact for Arizona. There is no doubt that he has left the world and Arizona a better place.
Some recent examples include the creation of two AGIC workgroups, the Natural Resources Workgroup and Cadastral Workgroup. Through the NRWG, Glen helped to coordinate the NHD Pilot program, where volunteers from organizations across AZ are working to improve statewide authoritative water data for Arizona and the nation. He has advanced collaboration among the natural resources community, working to provide awareness of the work being done in Arizona and opportunities for collaboration and cost sharing. Through the cadastral workgroup he has initiated the development of best practices and guidance for state and local agencies relating to cadastral and reference datasets. These groups are continuing the work he began and would not be in place without his efforts. Thank you for all you have done for our community and Arizona a whole! We are grateful.
Check out the Maps & Apps Challenge webpage to view other entries.
This series of maps was created using ArcGIS Pro, to display the acquisition of nearly 13,000 acres within the Southern Region of the Scottsdale McDowell Sonoran Preserve by five-year time spans beginning in 1994, as well as lands protected by zoning and ordinance in the Southern Region of the City of Scottsdale McDowell Sonoran Preserve which has preserved the McDowell Mountains in Scottsdale, Arizona. Today, the total acreage of protected land within the Preserve is 30,580 acres.
In July 2021, Prescott Valley experienced a series of storms that delivered a lot of destruction in the form of flooding to residents in the area. Flash floods due to the amount of water in a short period of time flooded numerous homes and created massive amounts of property damage. This hot spot- analysis map portrays the areas throughout the town that needed the most attention. Using data from our Public Works Request for Service system, calls were geocoded based off the address given by the resident and the drainage problem associated with that address. We were able to utilize various analysis tools, offered in ArcGIS Pro, to conduct a hot spot density map to demonstrate where the clusters of calls were coming from and help identify areas for future improvements. We were also able to use Rain Gauge data from Yavapai County Flood Control to help understand which areas received the most rain and if that coincided with the problem areas. This map helped answer questions and solve future problems when it comes to storm water management.
This Story Map is a key component in the City of Tucson's Poverty & Urban Stress Report. It helps illustrate the ways that race, age, and unemployment relate to poverty in Tucson and what parts of our City are experiencing the most economic stress.
The Oro Valley Adopt-a-Program is an ArcGIS Experience Builder application designed to allow residents to view, select, and submit an application to adopt a road, trail, or trailhead within the town. The application is also designed to allow current sponsors to schedule their cleanup events and to coordinate receiving additional supplies. This application incorporates a Survey123 form as the adoption application, and event scheduler that was designed with Survey123 Connect based on existing datasets for adopt-a-road, and trail feature classes.
This map uses the current FEMA 100-year floodplain data for New York City and shows its relationship to population density. The population is displayed by census block and then identified by population density per square mile. Manhattan shows the highest population density, as well as a significant risk of flooding. Other identified areas at risk are Red Hook, East Shore, Rockaway, Lower Manhattan, East Village, Chelsea, and East Harlem. These are high-density urban areas with high flood risk, and areas already severely impacted by Hurricane Sandy in 2012.
Arizona state parks provide valuable historical, cultural, and social resources for the citizens but need to be expanded and improved. This StoryMap outlines the history of the Arizona state parks department. It maps and describes several of the parks themselves and provides statistics to show that Arizona is lagging behind other states in its designation of state parks.
Mar 18 2025 - 11:00am to 12:00pm
Mar 18 2025 - 1:00pm to 2:00pm
Mar 19 2025 - 1:00pm to 2:30pm