The 2025 AGIC Education and Training Symposium is scheduled for August 26-29 and will be held at the Prescott Resort in Prescott, AZ. Follow us on the AGIC-L Listserv or on social media to hear further announcements, including call for papers, registration details, and more!
Virtual - Google Meet
Open Source, Cloud Computing and Geospatial Platforms for Big Data in Natural Resources
Data platforms are moving from Desktop Environments to the Cloud. The Cloud offers many advantages such as cutting infrastructure costs, disaster recovery, and monitoring. Faster innovation cycles of integrated cloud services help organizations stay on top of technological trends and development across infrastructure, platform, and AI. Raster and lidar datasets (as both spatial and temporal resolutions continue to increase) require large amounts of data storage, processing power, and effective tools. Cyverse and OpenTopography platforms are poised to address current and future needs of these datasets heavily used in Natural Resource Management technical solutions.
Please join the AGIC Natural Resources Workgroup for our annual virtual Natural Resources Presentation Series. Each year, the workgroup chooses a geospatial topic related to Natural Resources and recruits presenters to provide valuable insight to the AGIC Community. This year, we are excited to host Tyson Swetnam from Cyverse and Chelsea Scott and Emily Zawachi from Open Topography to discuss big data and cloud computing.
Tyson Swetnam, Cyverse:
Title: Analysis-Ready Cloud-Native Geospatial Data are here
Tyson’s presentation will cover the integration of cloud technology in geospatial data management and analysis. These platforms are shifting from traditional desktop-based models to cloud-native approaches. His talk will cover cloud storage, data sharing, computing, and the growing ecosystem of open-source applications, promoting open science principles like FAIR and CARE. He will walk through examples of current projects in natural resources which are relying on these data and platforms at state, national, and global scale.
Chelsea Scott and Emily Zawacki, OpenTopography:
Title: OpenTopography: Enabling Access to High Resolution Topography
Chelsea and Emily’s talk will highlight the rapid increase in high-resolution lidar topography coverage around the globe which demonstrates lidar’s massive utility for tasks like flood mitigation, infrastructure development, national security, conservation management, scientific research, and education. OpenTopography, largely funded by the National Science Foundation, has established itself as a recognized leader in the distribution of large volumes of lidar point-cloud and raster topographic data to a global community. In her presentation, she will demonstrate
OpenTopography’s data access pathway and processing tools (including challenges and potential solutions in large-scale use of lidar).
When: Thursday, December 7, 2023 from 1:00 PM - 3:00 PM
Where: Google Meets (agenda and connection information will be sent to registrants prior to the event. Note - you will not receive a registration confirmation email.)
Registration is now closed. Please see the connection information listed in the agenda linked below. (updated 12/6/2023)
Questions? Please email Jenna Leveille ( or Elisabeth VanderLeeuw (