2025 AGIC Symposium Dates Announced

The 2025 AGIC Education and Training Symposium is scheduled for August 26-29 and will be held at the Prescott Resort in Prescott, AZ.  Follow us on the AGIC-L Listserv or on social media to hear further announcements, including call for papers, registration details, and more!


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Get Involved in AGIC!

AGIC is powered by community volunteers! Formal membership is NOT required to participate.  We encourage anyone interested to attend our meetings and events, volunteer their time and expertise and give back to the AZ GIS Community.  There are lots of opportunities to contribute, including:

Follow Us on Social Media

 Twitter  Facebook  Instagram  LinkedIn

Click on one of the icons above or search for us on Twitter, Facebook, and LinkedIn using @AZGeoCouncil or on Instagram using @azgeoinfocouncil.  You’ll see posts for upcoming special events (including technical training opportunities), fun links, interesting AGIC and geospatial articles, job opportunities, and occasional meet-ups (especially around conference time!).  Follow us and contribute to the geospatial community!

Geospatial Spotlight of the Month

Each month, an agency, department, jurisdiction or organization is highlighted for their innovative or interesting use of geospatial technology.  Catch this monthly across all AGIC social media platforms to see what interesting undertakings your geospatially-minded peers are up to!  Also, if your organization or an organization you know is doing amazing work the Arizona Geospatial Community should be aware of, email us the details for consideration today at AGIC Info.


Join the AGIC ListServ

The AGIC ListServ is an email-based system for sharing information with hundreds of other GIS professionals who are also involved in the system.  One of the main uses of the ListServ has been to seek information related to GIS processes and datasets.  It's also the main way AGIC sends announcements to the GIS community, including the quarterly AGIC newsletter.

- To subscribe to the ListServ, send an e-mail to listserv@lists.asu.edu.  Leave the Subject line blank and type within the body of the message, "Subscribe AGIC-L".  You will receive confirmation of your subscription soon after.

- Once you are a member of the ListServ, you can send email messages to all subscribers via agic-l@asu.edu.

- If you wish to unsubscribe, send an email to agic-l@asu.edu.  Leave the Subject line blank and type within the body of the message, "Unsubscribe AGIC-L."

The Arizona Geographic Information Council does not endorse any one type of hardware platform, application, or other software and as a state board, discourages the use of the AGIC ListServ for advertisements.  Use of the listserv is governed by the AGIC Code of Conduct, available on the website or in the AGIC Member's Manual.


Join a Committee or Workgroup

If you wish to get more involved with AGIC, consider joining one of its many committees or workgroups.  Unlike the Council, whose membership is restricted to governor-appointed persons only, Committees and Workgroups are open for anyone to participate.  Committees and Workgroups are more focused on specific topics, such as community outreach or conference planning.  To learn more about the available Committees and Workgroups active within AGIC, check out the AGIC Organizational Chart or attend one of the upcoming meetings by viewing the AGIC Calendar.

As a courtesy to our meeting participants and volunteer community, AGIC maintains distribution lists for each Committee and Workgroup. Meeting invitations, as well as topic-related events and news, are shared through these lists. To be added to a list, please fill out this short formPlease note that participation does not require being added to this list.  AGIC events and meetings are open to everyone.  Meeting details can be found on the AGIC Calendar


Join the AGIC Mentorship Program

The goal of the mentoring program is to provide opportunities for capacity building and promote depth of knowledge in the Arizona GIS community.  Both the mentee and mentor will gain valuable experience, including expanding their professional networks, improved communication and leadership skills, technical knowledge and more.  Check out the AGIC Mentoring Program storymap to learn more as well as how to apply to become a mentor or a mentee.


Attend the AGIC Symposium

The AGIC Geospatial Education and Training Symposium is the only event of its kind in the state.  It is held annually and is open for anyone to attend.  The symposium is a great way to learn more about GIS in Arizona and network with GIS professionals. Please visit the AGIC Symposium webpage for upcoming dates and symposium information.


Attend an AGIC Event

There are many GIS events that AGIC directly coordinates or is involved with.  For example, some Workgroups coordinate their own technical workshops.  Check the AGIC calendar, AGIC ListServ, or the quarterly AGIC newsletter for more details.


Attend a Council Meeting

AGIC is an executive council that was created by the Governor of Arizona and participation at meetings is generally limited to appointed members only.  However, the meetings are open to the public and may be attended by anyone.  In addition, most meetings include an allotted time for public comment.  Check meeting agendas to verify when a “Call to the Public” will be open.  If you wish to speak to the Council during this time, you would not be required to give your name.  You would only be required to give the topic you would like to call to the attention of the Council.  Council meetings occur quarterly and upcoming Council meeting dates and agendas can be found on the AGIC Calendar.

Arizona Geographic Information Council © 2012. All rights reserved.